The WELLthy Entrepreneur - FREE Masterclass


From transforming bodies to transforming bank accounts.

The truth is one DOES impact the other.

Eddie & Allie began making waves in the health & fitness industry over 20 years ago. Understanding what it takes to be a fee-for-service entrepreneur and how to STOP selling time for money...And instead, build your signature program using our F.I.T Business model. (Freedom.Income.Time)


Helping fee-for-service entrepreneurs add 20k + per month consistently while working our famous 4 x 4 (4 hours a day, 4 days a week), within the first 30 days of working with us.

Aligning the lifestyle we want with the life we build.

Money is an outcome, not a goal. Meaning, when we are connected to our goals, have our signature program in place, the pricing that is aligned with RESULTS and the marketing structure developed to attract our soul-aligned clients....Uncapped income to support the LIFE experiences you desire is CREATED.


Relationships are multi-faceted.

Family, friends, spouse and clients.

When relationships our out of sync, chances are we need to look inward before we point outward.

WELLth requires healthy relationships. Period.

Supporting couple, through our Health Relationship Academy.

And supporting WELLthy Entrepreneurs to build healthy relationships that attract clients that stay with you for years, all while developing your Micro-Celebrity Status.

When I initially reached out for help, I felt a lack of confidence even though I have been in the fitness industry for almost two decades and have been successful the entire time. 


There are many products and services in the online space. This caused me to fall into the trap of undercharging but overdelivering in value because I was trying to “keep up.” This left me feeling resentful and overwhelmed instead of energetic. I knew I needed help. 


During the immersion day with Allison and Eddie, they helped me develop a marketing plan that I would not have been able to generate. 


The other key takeaway from that day was asking for an investment aligned with the value I deliver. 


I followed their advice of taking fast action and implemented everything they suggested. 


Because of that, within one week, I had made back the investment in their services. 


I recommend their service to any coach who feels stuck in their business and needs professional advice and oversight on successfully setting up a high-ticket coaching offer. 


If you have a high level of personal drive, accountability, and initiative, you would be best suited for what they do and how they do it. 


Through implementing what they taught me on the immersion day, I felt renewed confidence, brought the right clients into my coaching business, and felt more energized overall.


Brittany Chapman 


The most challenging thing to change is what we believe. I went to Eddie and Allie with a willingness to experience a different life, but in spite of my experience, skill and heart, I lacked the belief my life could be different.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know, but upon the first meeting, I knew they were further along on the journey my soul desired. I wanted in on their magic, presence, readiness and unapologetic self-worth.

Since working with Eddie and Allie, I have built the belief that a different way of serving clients not only existed but was meant for me. I experience it daily, and my energy, relationships and bank account reflect the transformation that began with a decision to pursue support and the belief that support made it possible.

Their structure and program meet you where you are while promoting deep internal growth. Clients like myself lead the process by posting questions, challenges and successes and receive curated support as needed.


This model accelerates clients' growth because the traditional weekly coaching calls that run rampant in the self-development world are absent. I’ve been able to lean in as deeply as I needed without feeling like I needed to manage the experience. It supports my craft, vision, heart and future.


Their support is in supporting the center of your business which are you. When that shift happens, your vision of the impossible becomes possible.

Sarah Sadie Newett

We first met Eddie and Allison to help us with our fitness goals. As we got to know them and become friends, they inspired us to apply our fitness goals to other areas of our life.

With their encouragement and as an example, we purchased our first investment property. What’s next, we asked ourselves.


We had always wanted to start a business of our own. We looked into many ideas and decided that creating an e-commerce business was the way to go.

Our first year and product were not great, to say the least. We approached Allison and Eddie for help. They had just created the Winners Circle (Now the WELLthy Entrepreneur), which was a perfect fit.

They helped us to research potential markets and products, create a solid business plan, and how to execute that plan.

We have generated almost a quarter of a million dollars in sales in the first year of working with them. 

The Winners Circle has truly made a difference in our success and will continue to do so in the months and years to come.

Thanks, Allison and Eddie, for your inspiration, knowledge, guidance and, most importantly, friendship.

Bob & Claire

Allie changed my life…. PERIOD!

As much as I resisted this opportunity in the beginning I will never look back.


I have created an incredible business model led by Allie & Eddie who helped me create a lifestyle that sounds impossible yet is possible and I am living proof!

I am working 3 and a half days (all under 6 hrs a day) I get to choose whom I want to mentor and coach instead of taking on everyone and anyone to make a buck. My heart and desire to change other people's lives for the better are full. 

I more then doubled my income and worked less to provide quality of service to my clients ❤️

I was a Personal Trainer, individuals paying by the session, working 6days a week (8+hours a day)

If it wasn’t for Allie contacting me on Instagram when she did I know I would be exactly where I was or potentially even worse stepping out of the industry I have an enormous passion for and into a job I do not desire.

My goals was to be in a position where I can support my family and start a family of my own knowing I will be in a financial position to work when and wherever in the world I want as well as being a present mother to her children.

Emmie-Rose Shore

“Eddie & Allie have greatly supported our growing and evolving business over the past year. 


They are a constructive listening ear that is able to decipher what are current challenges are, and they set us on the right path to be able to move past those challenges. The energy we always feel from Eddie and Allie, whether during our in-person meetings or via zoom meetings and social media messages, is contagious! 


We have seen lots of growth in both our company and our personal lives, and we are incredibly excited to continue our journey with them. We can not recommend them enough to anyone looking to welcome a business coach and mentor into their lives!"

Lane & Kylie

My experience working with Allie & Eddie was one of the most life-changing experiences I have ever been through. From the very first application call, the energy was so electric, and there was such a deep connection right then and there.


I have learned and grown so much both professionally and personally with the support of Allie & Eddie's leadership.


You can tell from the very beginning that this is not just work for them. This is their heart and passion, and that speaks through and through every day in the way they show up for their clients and the next level of support they provide.


This is far beyond just a coach/client relationship. I felt so seen, heard, and validated in my experiences, and although it was so uncomfortable to be stretched and challenged at times, this is exactly what I needed to move forward and gain a higher perspective.


I absolutely loved working with Allie & Eddie, and the lessons, teachings, and memories will last a lifetime❤️

Sarah Jaswal